Quick History Lesson
The Hungarian Parliament is the third largest in the world, but considering it is made of entirely Hungarian materials like marble and a heck of a lot of gold, you could say it’s the most extravagent. They really only use half the building because they have a unicameral system, and it houses the holy relics like the crown of St. Stephen. Why the cross atop it is crooked, no one will ever know, but I personally like to think that he dropped it and then didn’t want to fess up.
A note about the flag with a hole inside it: after the Russians left, the people wanted all things hammer-and-sickle gone, so they sinply cut it out of the fabric. No one had ever asked the Hungarians if they had wanted it there anyway.
Time for me to eat breakfast before heading off to see some schools. Yay! Felling hungry yourself? Check out the pictures of the two lunch options at Stex Haz. Which one did I have?